Your Finances in Divorce

Guest: Holly Brady, CFP, CDFA

Episode Details

Divorce can put massive financial strain on a family. Pair that with concerns about your financial future:

  • Will I be able to afford to keep the house?
  • Can I still retire as planned?
  • and the worry might be come overwhelming.

Find out how working with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst could save you money, help you stay on track to meet your financial goals, and help ease some of the stress of a divorce when we speak with Holly Brady of Prospera Solutions.

Guest Bio

​Holly has worked in the financial industry for last 25 years. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, she loves every facet of financial planning – from the challenges of finding tax solutions to helping couples save for their dream vacation to placing the “umbrella” of insurance over families’ heads. Uncovering their life stories and working closely with clients are the joy of her career. 


Holly is passionate about educating individuals on financial and insurance options so they can feel confident about the decisions they make. With extensive product knowledge and an emphasis on sound financial planning, she has built a reputation as a trusted advisor for individuals and business owners alike. 


Holly is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ and a Registered Collaborative Professional helping divorcing couples and their lawyers find ways to split marital property fair and equitably, and addressing financial issues 


A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ will review your financial interests for a matrimonial property settlement and provide you and your lawyer with powerful data to support your case. As a CDFA™, Holly will: 

  • properly gather, screen, and document the financial data of the marital property, 
  • determine the short-term and long-term financial impact of a proposed settlement, 
  • explain tax adjusted values of assets, 
  • offer valuable insight into the pros and cons of different settlement proposals, 
  • help you avoid the common financial pitfalls of divorce, 
  • create personalized reports and graphs illustrating the financial status, cash flow, and net worth of both parties, 
  • provide financial documents to lawyer upon request. 


A Registered Collaborative Professional (RCP) is someone who has completed the specialized collaborative law training to obtain this designation. The benefits of using the Collaborative process: 

  • encourages mutual respect, 
  • identifies and addresses interests and concerns of all parties, 
  • utilizes a problem-solving approach, 
  • emphasizes the needs of children. 


As a Registered Collaborative Professional, Holly will act as a Financial Neutral on your Collaborative divorce team and provide all the professional insight as a Certified Financial Divorce Analyst. 


As a board member of the Collaborative Divorce Association of Alberta and co-chair of the Association of Collaborative Family Professionals (Edmonton), Holly focuses her volunteer efforts on bringing awareness to the general public and other professionals in the divorce arena of the collaborative process. 


Like most people, Holly endeavors to keep life balanced around her career, family, and friends whether it’s continuing her pursuit for knowledge in her areas of expertise, enjoying a scrapbooking retreat, travelling, or a great conversation over a glass of wine with friends. The secret to having it all is believing that you do! 



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